Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ancient Egyptian Masks

To connect to our learning of Ancient Egypt, we made masks. Here is how we created our masks.
First, apply moisturizer and saran wrap on your face. Place wet strips of Plaster of Paris to cover your face. One thing we learned for next time is that we will plaster the top of our heads.   Add pieces and let dry each time. We used cereal boxes to make the headdress and ears.  To make the beards we used tin foil.  In order to create a smoother  surface on our masks, we added a layer of plaster and let dry. We painted them. Most masks needed two layers of paint. To finish off the masks, we applied a layer of watered down glue. We had lots of fun!




Monday, February 23, 2015

Sydney's Big Win!

Sydney was in a contest called Just Watch Me for enterpreneurs with disabilities.   We watched her video and voted for her daily. Her business is called Kozy Kritter by Sydney. She makes blankets for pets and babies.  Sydney also makes healthy dog biscuits.  She donates alot of her money to pet shelters.
We are so excited that Sydney won first place!  Her school had an assembly to celebrate her! She is going to use her prize money for a special chair and table to make her blankets. Her website will be up and running soon. Sydney has support from her town and across the world! We are very proud of her and she works hard on her blankets!

Making Carrot Mummies

We are learning about Ancient Egypt. To connect to our learning, we mummified baby carrots.  This is how to mummify a baby carrot.
Step 1: place carrot in the bottom of a plastic cup
Step 2: cover baby carrot in baking soda and salt mixture (equal parts)
Step 3: Leave it in a cool, dark place for over a week

How to make a sarcophagus:
Step 1: Remove your carrot mummy and wrap in bandage
Step 2: Make a tinfoil chamber.
Step 3: Place your carrot mummy inside. Sprinkle with spices such as cinnamon. 
Step 4: Place jewels and tools around your mummy.
Step 5: Use more tinfoil to make your sacrophagus bigger and to create the shape of your sarcophagus.
Step 6: Cover and wrap with plaster of paris.
Step 7: Let dry and paint

Hope you give it a try! It is really fun!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Spirit Week

We had lots of fun during Spirit Week. Monday was Funky/Hair Hat Day. Tuesday was Backwards Day.  Wednesday was P.J. Day.  Thursday was Neon Day. Friday is Sports Day. We are super excited to watch the student vs. staff hockey and ringette game this afternoon!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November Senior Buddy Visit

 We had a great visit with our grade 1 and 2 friends and senior buddies.   Together we built puzzles and made name tags.  We enjoyed an early Christmas cookie for snack!  Here are some pictures:

Happy Halloween

Today was a special day filled with Halloween Activities.  With a partner we viewed, sketched and wrote about  our pumpkins.  We measured and made a plan for carving our pumpkins.  Together we estimated and counted our pumpkins seeds.  A parent volunteer roasted them and they were deliscious! The creation station was running and we made 3D pumpkins and spiders out of construction paper.  We had fun on the parade and saw our senior buddies dressed up! What a fun Halloween!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Harvesting Our Garden

Yesterday, we picked our yummy beets, carrots and parsnips.  Today, we cleaned and washed our beets and carrots.  We ate the carrots (red, yellow, white, orange and purple) raw. They were so crunchy and sweet! A parent helped us boil the beets. They were easy to peel after they are cooked.  We enjoyed them with butter.  All the produce from our garden tasted deliscious!